Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer Fun

With summer winding down I realized I have a lot of catching up to do. We tried to soak up the sun as much as possible and had many outings to pools, lakes and splash parks. So here's just a few picts to recap....
Brigham City Pool
Hallee was determined to learn how to dive off the diving board and after a number of painful belly flops she finally mastered it.

One of the highlights of the summer was Troy's summer work party at Raging Waters. We had so much fun!!

The night before Troy's work had an awards banquet up at Snowbird resort. They provided a wonderful evening with dinner, games and hotel room included! It was fun to have an opportunity to get all dressed up and enjoy an evening at someone else's expense :)

I'm so grateful that 1) Troy has a job 2) he enjoys his job 3) he is being blessed with success at his job and 4) he has a job that takes the time to thank their employees and families!


Anonymous said...

So Fun!!! And Bear Lake looks as amazing as ever!

Unknown said...

wow, you two look just wonderful. I am thrilled that the job is working too! All the water trips look like a lot of fun, fun, fun!

394bull said...

It's great the roots of the Great Hodges Oak still gets nurishment and space. A solid, strong, and well maintained foundation. Awesome!