Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back at it...

Our three weeks of summer are officially over and we are back at it again. Hallee started 3rd grade last week and Hope followed this week with her very first day of Kindergarten.
Hope has been dying over the fact that kindergarten started a week later than the other grades. I think she asked me at least five times a day how many more times she would have to sleep before she got to go to school.

The only downfall is that she ended up with morning kindergarten even though I requested afternoon. With Caymbree starting afternoon preschool soon I anxiously anticipated two days of child-free time. Just think of the possibilities... grocery shopping with no kids, running errands without whining, cleaning your house and having it actually stay clean for a few hours, lunch with friends, volunteering at school without having to arrange babysitters... Um, ya. I spent a lot of time thinking/dreaming about it. I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me. So now my days will be spent shuffling the kids around with SIX different start and stop times just for school!! Not quite what I had been dreaming about but whadda ya do?


JLJ said...

They look so pretty and excited for school!

Heather said...

That does sound like a nice dream!!:)

Heather said...
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Josie said...

not to worry...hope can come home with us often to give you that much needed "free" time:) They look so cute and grown up!

394bull said...

Your legs and arms are sooo busy, and your heart is huge. Thanks for sharing.