Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bear Lake Round 2

We couldn't let summer come to an end without one last trip to Bear Lake. This time with invited my family to tag along.

I'm not sure why we always feel the need for photo opps up there but that view just can't be beat.

So just how many kiddos can you fit in the front of a boat??? Apparently 10!

While on the boat my brother stopped in the middle of the lake and jumped out. He then told the kids he would pay the first one of them to jump out $1.00. They all looked at him like he was crazy. Finally, with a little encouragment Hallee jumped! (Picture taken on the second time around with dad) Troy and I were shocked! I think she was a little shocked herself! She must have really wanted that dollar!

*Cute cousin moments*

Adi and Hope

Bridger and Caymbree

Caymbree, Kate, and Bridger

Caymbree and Kenzie

And Hope just wouldn't be Hope without a funny moment like this. Seriously. She cracks me up!

Summer Fun

With summer winding down I realized I have a lot of catching up to do. We tried to soak up the sun as much as possible and had many outings to pools, lakes and splash parks. So here's just a few picts to recap....
Brigham City Pool
Hallee was determined to learn how to dive off the diving board and after a number of painful belly flops she finally mastered it.

One of the highlights of the summer was Troy's summer work party at Raging Waters. We had so much fun!!

The night before Troy's work had an awards banquet up at Snowbird resort. They provided a wonderful evening with dinner, games and hotel room included! It was fun to have an opportunity to get all dressed up and enjoy an evening at someone else's expense :)

I'm so grateful that 1) Troy has a job 2) he enjoys his job 3) he is being blessed with success at his job and 4) he has a job that takes the time to thank their employees and families!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back at it...

Our three weeks of summer are officially over and we are back at it again. Hallee started 3rd grade last week and Hope followed this week with her very first day of Kindergarten.
Hope has been dying over the fact that kindergarten started a week later than the other grades. I think she asked me at least five times a day how many more times she would have to sleep before she got to go to school.

The only downfall is that she ended up with morning kindergarten even though I requested afternoon. With Caymbree starting afternoon preschool soon I anxiously anticipated two days of child-free time. Just think of the possibilities... grocery shopping with no kids, running errands without whining, cleaning your house and having it actually stay clean for a few hours, lunch with friends, volunteering at school without having to arrange babysitters... Um, ya. I spent a lot of time thinking/dreaming about it. I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me. So now my days will be spent shuffling the kids around with SIX different start and stop times just for school!! Not quite what I had been dreaming about but whadda ya do?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hope Moment

Yesterday we took the kiddos to the movie Toy Story 3. Afterwards Hope came up and said, "that little girl has almost as many toys as me!" "Yep." I agreed. "So do you think all your toys are home having a party right now?" "Noooo", she giggled and then her face was priceless. I would have given anything to capture it. Her eyes shifted elsewhere and her thoughts began to take over and her face changed to something between awe, wonder and horror. I think it took Troy and I a good three minutes to compose ourselves. Thanks for keeping us laughing Hopers!

Trekking it Pioneer Style

Our ward had the amazing opportunity to do a Ward Trek. 18 families signed up for the excursion which broke down into about 88 people, with 36 adults, 6 of whom were pregnant women (2 within a month of their due date) and the rest of them were children!! Our family flagWe partnered up with another family and took turns pulling the cart Well. Most of us did. Princess Caymbree found it quite enjoyable to be in the cart. Hope walked about five steps before she decided that she "needed" to be in the handcart. I think I may have gone into this experience with somewhat unrealistic expectations. I thought my children would be perfect angels with the whole experience humbling them into reverence. Um. That didn't happen. Hope had a rough trip and whined about any and everything she possibly could. Caymbree woke up in the middle of the night with a night terror and screamed bloody murder for about five minutes waking up half the camp. On our walk (without handcarts) up to Martins Cove (in afternoon heat and a steady incline) Caymbree decided that she could walk no further wanted to be carried the entire way up and back down (about a mile) by nobody else but me. It was then that I felt myself fighting the frustration and questioning our decision about the trek.
It wasn't until later that evening at Rock Creek Hollow that it all started to fall into place for me. A sister missionary shared the story of a widowed family that came across with the Martin Hand Cart Company. The oldest brother was crippled so the mother and another son pulled him in the handcart throughout the entire journey. This left the 11 year old brother to take care and watch after his four year old brother. When the four year old could walk no further the 11 year old picked up him and carried him the rest of the way. By the time they reached the rest of the camp at Rock Creek Hollow the 11 year old safely set down his brother and then died with his mission fulfilled. I still can't tell the story without choking up.

I think it was at this moment that it hit me. We didn't bring the kids for their sake we brought them for ours. It may be years before they are able to truly understand and appreciate the pioneer experience but for Troy and I it gave us just a small glimpse of what it was like for those pioneer parents who watched their children cry and plead for help from starvation and the elements. It was truly a humbling experience.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was right here. We stood on the exact trail the pioneers came down after enduring through Rocky Ridge. You can still see the markings. It was amazing!

It is also here that a number of marked group graves are found with a pile of rocks as the marker. I thought it tender that through the rocks this single red flower grows as if to say "All is Well. All is Well."

They warned us we might see a snake or two and that we did. This little guy was right where we were getting ready to set our tent. We also ran into a couple of rattlesnakes along the way. One we stumbled across right as it jumped out to strike a rabbit.