Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

The girls woke up to find green gum and cotton candy left on our kitchen table. I assumed it must have been a sneaky leprechaun, Hallee didn't buy it. She declared, "A leprechaun would not have made it look all cute and lay down green polka dots." Too funny.

We then moved on to green pancakes and milk. Caymbree was not impressed and refused to eat them.

I was watching my girlfriends kids for the day so we carried our green theme on into dinner. The menu: Green fettuccine, green alfredo sauce, a green salad, green lime soda, bread with green butter, and a green peep. Again. Some of them not overly impressed. Had to do some serious talking before they braved the green goop on their plates.

It's funny because I had almost forgotten about St. Patricks day. Luckily Hallee reminded me the night before and gently expressed her expectations. It's fun that she is at the age where she remembers and actually looks forward to these little traditions year to year.


Anonymous said...

Wow that little green guy sure was busy at your house. Kuddos for making it such a fun holiday!! Fun RS dinner too. I was sad I couldn't stay for the whole thing. Your sooo great at your calling!!

Tara Williams said...

Yes! I'm back. I was locked out of blogging with some weird password issues, so it's nice to finally see what you guys have been up to. I love the cake stands! Miss you guys!

Heather said...

You are too creative!! I need to work harder on planning ahead instead of thinking the night before about what I could do:)