A few weekends ago we went to Logan to help my parents move out of their home. They loved their house but everything they loved was starting to change. The canal that housed the many many ducks my dad so diligently fed is getting shut down. The big huge trees in their backyard that provide beauty and shade are also having to be removed. Combine that with the open field being turned into an apartment complex and the ball was set in motion for a move.
It was quick. Easy. And sudden. My mom simply asked a guy at her work if he would be interested at looking at their house. He said yes, came, saw it, and made an offer the next day. Seriously. That quick. That easy.
Finding a new house for themselves wasn't quite as easy. They wanted land and horse property. They found it. 10 acres in Nibley at the base of the Black Smith Fork canyon with the river running through the back yard and an existing duck pond and they were sold. The only problem...the house was old, rundown and beautifully challenged. So, the adventure began. Right now they are in the process of basically tearing the existing home apart and building a new one.
Now the other part to this story is that this is SOOOOO uncharacteristic of my parents. We have lived in three houses since I was born and all three of them have been within a block of each other. This means they have been in the same ward for over 30 years!!! I'd say it was time for a little adventure in their lives wouldn't you?
So while we were there I did a drive around the block and took a little stroll down memory lane. What better time to document and record a little family history?
I believe my bedroom was the window just to the right of the front door. A few of my favorite memories of this house are:
- The many many themed birthday parities my mom threw for me growing up
- Bunnies. A number of them. I think they always ended up dying of heat exhaustion
- Neighbor friends. Lots of them right on the same street.
-In a cul-de-sac. Quiet but definitely limits the friends when you "can't go out of the cul-de-sac." My best friend became the neighbor boy who was a few years older. I remember sitting by his bed for weeks after he spilled boiling water all down his body and was recovering from all the burns.
-I also remember biffing it on my bike at the base of the cul-de-sac. I'm talking BIG time biffing it with lots of road rash to prove it.
- Sprained my arm roller skating down the driveway and ending with a crash landing. Pretty much my most "serious" injury to date.
-Lots of fun memories of the teenage years. My parents always loved to be the house that threw the parties and my mom is definitely the hostess with the mostess. We had a big basement that was perfect for lots of friends to hang out. Top that off with a hot tub in the backyard and you pretty much have the hang-out house.
-A few months before I got married they moved into this house. If you could tear down the two homes behind their old house you would end up at this one. So many fun memories with my kids! It is the only house they have ever known and we actually lived there for a few months while we were building our own. I will always have fond memories of floating down the canal, or better yet falling head first into the canal trying to "save" Hope. The kids loved to build forts in the front yards, pick raspberries with grandpa and watch the fourth of July fireworks as they reflected in the water of the canal.
Lots of fun memories. So many more to come.
As usual we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could while we there. That included:
*A wedding reception for one of my old young women...
Oh they will LOVE Hyrum. Yes, there is no shopping there. But, that is the whole point. Talk them into getting a ski boat for the lake. SO JEALOUS! We loved it there.
Lots of memories in houses #1 and #2. Sad, but good I guess. And holy cow! That is a ton of candy!
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