Friday, March 26, 2010

Tender moments

Most definitely, absolutely, and unequivocally the highlight of my week. Why is it that candid moments like these touch us right down to the very core?

It's all in the accessories...

Got a little bored with the same old hair bows. Testing out some new ones handmade with LOVE from me and thanks to the talent and creativity of a friend. You wanna make some?? Guess you'll have to come visit me and I'd be willing to share :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

The girls woke up to find green gum and cotton candy left on our kitchen table. I assumed it must have been a sneaky leprechaun, Hallee didn't buy it. She declared, "A leprechaun would not have made it look all cute and lay down green polka dots." Too funny.

We then moved on to green pancakes and milk. Caymbree was not impressed and refused to eat them.

I was watching my girlfriends kids for the day so we carried our green theme on into dinner. The menu: Green fettuccine, green alfredo sauce, a green salad, green lime soda, bread with green butter, and a green peep. Again. Some of them not overly impressed. Had to do some serious talking before they braved the green goop on their plates.

It's funny because I had almost forgotten about St. Patricks day. Luckily Hallee reminded me the night before and gently expressed her expectations. It's fun that she is at the age where she remembers and actually looks forward to these little traditions year to year.

Relief Society Birthday Party

Another year. Another successful birthday party. The theme of the party was "Sharing Secrets in Sisterhood." About a month and a half prior to the activity we started sending around e-mails and worksheets asking sisters to share their "secrets". These could include ideas or tips on cleaning, organization, parenting, marriage/relationships, cooking, gardening, saving money and just about anything else they could think of. We then took all of the ideas and complied them into this book that we gave out on the night of the big event.

The tips were AMAZING and the response was overwhelming!! We were worried that we would only get a few ideas submitted but in the end we had to limit what we published for the sake of cost.

We decorated the tables with homemade cakes stands (more on that in a minute) and black and white polka dot wrapping paper with tulle and confetti. Pretty cute if I can say so myself :)

Now, about those cake stands. So much fun, so many options and SO cheap. (Shoot, I shouldn't tell you that. Some of you may get them for birthday presents one day).

Anyway, for the top you need a plate or platter. Hobby Lobby had these cute chargers for $1.99 in bright blue and green. Pair it with a fancy cup, candle holder, glass or vase, add a little E-6000 glue and some ribbon and wha-la... A cake stand, cookie holder, or whatever you can dream it up to be.

We did these ones in bright whimsical colors that will work well for me and a house full of girls but you can make them really vintage or classic as well. My girlfriend did one using a black candle holder for the bottom and a silver charger and it looked like she spent a wad on it. (I think it cost her $6.00). Fun idea and you could make a whole matching collection for a party for under 20 bucks.
Oh ya. And by the way. I recently tried out one of the tips in the book and it worked FABULOUS. While building up your tacos, turn a muffin tin upside down, slide your shells in between the tins and starting loading them up. Who woulda thought?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Going Country

I don't know what to call it. A "late mid-life crisis"? Breaking free? Branching out? I think my title just says it best "GOING COUNTRY".

A few weekends ago we went to Logan to help my parents move out of their home. They loved their house but everything they loved was starting to change. The canal that housed the many many ducks my dad so diligently fed is getting shut down. The big huge trees in their backyard that provide beauty and shade are also having to be removed. Combine that with the open field being turned into an apartment complex and the ball was set in motion for a move.

It was quick. Easy. And sudden. My mom simply asked a guy at her work if he would be interested at looking at their house. He said yes, came, saw it, and made an offer the next day. Seriously. That quick. That easy.

Finding a new house for themselves wasn't quite as easy. They wanted land and horse property. They found it. 10 acres in Nibley at the base of the Black Smith Fork canyon with the river running through the back yard and an existing duck pond and they were sold. The only problem...the house was old, rundown and beautifully challenged. So, the adventure began. Right now they are in the process of basically tearing the existing home apart and building a new one.

Now the other part to this story is that this is SOOOOO uncharacteristic of my parents. We have lived in three houses since I was born and all three of them have been within a block of each other. This means they have been in the same ward for over 30 years!!! I'd say it was time for a little adventure in their lives wouldn't you?

So while we were there I did a drive around the block and took a little stroll down memory lane. What better time to document and record a little family history?


I believe my bedroom was the window just to the right of the front door. A few of my favorite memories of this house are:
- The many many themed birthday parities my mom threw for me growing up
- Bunnies. A number of them. I think they always ended up dying of heat exhaustion
- Neighbor friends. Lots of them right on the same street.

-In a cul-de-sac. Quiet but definitely limits the friends when you "can't go out of the cul-de-sac." My best friend became the neighbor boy who was a few years older. I remember sitting by his bed for weeks after he spilled boiling water all down his body and was recovering from all the burns.
-I also remember biffing it on my bike at the base of the cul-de-sac. I'm talking BIG time biffing it with lots of road rash to prove it.
- Sprained my arm roller skating down the driveway and ending with a crash landing. Pretty much my most "serious" injury to date.
-Lots of fun memories of the teenage years. My parents always loved to be the house that threw the parties and my mom is definitely the hostess with the mostess. We had a big basement that was perfect for lots of friends to hang out. Top that off with a hot tub in the backyard and you pretty much have the hang-out house.


-A few months before I got married they moved into this house. If you could tear down the two homes behind their old house you would end up at this one. So many fun memories with my kids! It is the only house they have ever known and we actually lived there for a few months while we were building our own. I will always have fond memories of floating down the canal, or better yet falling head first into the canal trying to "save" Hope. The kids loved to build forts in the front yards, pick raspberries with grandpa and watch the fourth of July fireworks as they reflected in the water of the canal.

Lots of fun memories. So many more to come.

As usual we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could while we there. That included:

*A wedding reception for one of my old young women...
A wedding ceremony and reception for my cousin...

And sweet little Lila's (niece) first birthday party!

Check out those balloons. Aren't they the cutest thing ever! For those of you in Logan you can purchase them at my sis-in-laws family store - The Plant Peddler. So fun!

Rachel outdid herself and my kids were on a sugar high for weeks thanks to a candy themed birthday party and a candy buffet that my children pocketed by the bagful.
Whew. Think that covers it. Happy Birthday little Lila!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Valentines Day

I know. Valentines was a month ago but I still wanted to document some of the Hodges Happenings...

Usually I do a fun little gift/package for the girls but this year I kind of dropped the ball. I didn't think it would be that big of deal but by Valentines day afternoon the guilt started to set in. In an impromptu moment I tried to come up with some fun way to commemorate the holiday with the kiddos. So pink pancakes with cookie cutter heart indention's with pink milk became the dinner menu. The kids loved it and I at least felt a little better about my effort in the holiday department.
Troy and I celebrated by treating ourselves to a long date night. Usually we are worried about getting home to the babysitter but not this time. It was SOOOOOOOO nice! We started out by going to dinner at one of Troy's clients - Wasatch Broiler. It is on State and 49th and it is so yummy! (So for all of you in a rut with your dinner options - go check it out!)

Then we did a little window shopping and just took our time walking around together. And finally we headed to the movies. It was wonderful!!!

I had planned on getting Troy tickets to a Jazz game for Valentines. However, when I started looking for tickets I quickly discovered the only one's I could afford would be in the nose bleed section and I decided against it. (The gift was as much for me as him. I have been wanting to go to a game all season!)

In a twist of fate Troy came home two days later announcing he had won two 11th row Jazz tickets at one of his work meetings. I was SOOOO excited!!

Two fantastic dates in one week. I was in heaven!!!

Too much American Idol?

You know you have been watching a LOT of American Idol when your two year old gets in her little red coupe and says "BYE MOM! I'M GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!"