Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hope Moments

Hope and I had our date night the other night and as always she didn't disappoint in the entertainment area.

As we were driving to the movie I started talking to her about being a good friend and qualities that make a good friend. As the conversation went on I started telling her how her dad and I were really proud of some recent situations we had observed. For a minute she was quiet. And when I asked her what she was thinking about the conversation went like this...

H: "I sure am gonna get a lot of presents this year."
M: "What?"
H: "Santa. I was just thinking about all the good decisions I've been making. He will probably bring me a LOT of presents this year."
M: Laughing.

Another moment of silence.

H: "You know what I was just thinking?"
M: "No what?"
H: "I'm kinda surprised I got presents this year. I wasn't very good last year? Remember when I ....(as she proceeded to make her list of last year's transgressions)."
M: Chuckle. Hmm....What should I say? But that's the funny part. Before I even have a chance to respond she is off on an ENTIRELY new subject with not intention of going back. Seriously cracks me up.


Unknown said...

Awwww, I love Hope moments. She just cracks me up!!!!!

Lindsay said...

She has some SERIOUS personality!!! How cute!

slap said...

I think Santa should be bringing lots of presents!!!