Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to school 2011

Hope: 1st Grade

Mr. Barr

Hallee 4th Grade

Ms. PugsleySeriously. Whoever is doing the scheduling over at Midas Creek obviously does not have kids and realize the importance of the back-to-school outfit. They really threw a wrench in our plans when they had 1st graders start a day later then everyone else and 2nd - when they start off the first day of school with a color of the day that the students are suppose to wear. HELLO PEOPLE! DO YOU NOT KNOW THE DECISIONS AND PLANNING THAT GOES INTO THE ALL IMPORTANT BACK TO SCHOOL OUTFIT????
So the results are that Hallee got two days worth of "back to school" first day pictures and Hope is still patiently waiting to wear her back to school outfit. Don't worry. We'll be sure to get a picture of it when it happens. Hope is thrilled because Grandma Smith bought her and cousin Adi matching outfits. Stay tuned...

Awe....they missed each other. After all it was THREE whole weeks!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Back to school pictures are so fun- I love the enthusiasm the kiddos have!!