Monday, February 14, 2011


So Troy and I woke up this morning to find this sign in our bedroom...
A short while later Miss Hallee appeared carrying this tray of pancakes and milk, decorated and all. Seriously melted my heart. The other two were still in bed and she had gotten up and made the pancakes and decorations all by herself. Seriously, who is this child and how is she mine??? The funny part is that I had planned on making heart shaped pancakes for dinner that night. NOW WHAT??? Was I seriously going to be upstaged by my nine year old daughter? How could I possibly not return the generosity and thought?

So, Plan B was quickly created. Grilled cheese sandwiches cut out in heart shapes with tomato soup and a heart made with sour cream. I mean it's not quite as good as Hallee's but whadda-ya-do??

So Happy Valentines Day to the four people I love most in this world. I {heart} you!!! And Happy Valentines to the rest of you as well! You know who you are! I {heart} you too!


turtleyes said...

I loved this as I do all your posts. Please continue to share your precious moments with us remote inlaws, parents, & grandparents. Thank you, luv you all.

Anonymous said...

She is so dang cute and thoughtful. Girls really do love this holiday! Boys, well, their just in it for the candy! Your girls would love skiing, you should attempt it soon!

Heather said...

Wow, she is a great cook!! Way to go Hallee!!

Josie said...

That is so darn cute. I love hallee.