Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can I have this dance...

Who knew that a ward party could be so much fun??? Last weekend our ward had a couples dance complete with a disco ball, decorations, photographer, music and all. A few decided to go big or go home and came decked out in style. Styles included Audrey Hepburn, classic gangster, 80's, dumb and dumber tuxedo, and we even had our very own pimp.I can't BELIEVE how much time and effort they put into this dance. The gym was decked out!! They said it took all day to set up. It was amazing!
{Tara and Steve Sansom}

{Me in all my 80's glory. Found this beauty at the DI for $6 bucks BABY!}

{Troy rocking his 70's style! Have to say my bangs didn't hold up long. They started out twice as high. Just how much hair spray did we use back then???}

{Larry and Jolynn Palmer - gotta luv the tux!}
{Toby and Josie Christensen}

I'll be the first to admit that I was a little bit skeptical when I first heard about it. But it really was a blast! It was so much fun to see people come out of their shells and boogie! My favorite part of the night was seeing our old Bishop do a break dance spin in the middle of the floor, or our old 1st counselor do a full on jump split and not even pull a muscle in the process. Gotta love it!


Adree said...

WOW! Please don't ever wear that dress again:) Looks like fun!!!

Tiffany G said...

Love the dress, I had a choir one just like it but dark green!

Heather said...

That dress is awesome!!! I was sad we couldn't come (we had a family birthday dinner we couldn't miss). Looks like it was hilarious!!

The Lively's said...

How Fun! I know some break dancing moves myself. I totally would have busted it out if my hubby wasn't so lame. Kimmy & I were going to go stag and supposedly steal dances with all the HOT hubbies (LOL) but as you can see we bailed. ; (

Tara said...

Such a fun night!! You blogged it so well!! Many great memories were made!