Friday, December 31, 2010

Shop till you Drop

A lot goes into Black Friday shopping. Prepare. Plan. Prepare some more (lots of diet coke and sugar). Then ATTACK...ATTACK...ATTACK!!! The crew heading out the door at 10:40pm. I still can't believe my mom backed out this year. First time ever!!! She missed out on a rip roaring good time. And just to give you a little idea we left around 11 and didn't make it home until 8am. Walmart sale started at midnight. Next stop. Kohls. 3am. Hmmm....2 1/2 hours to kill. Decided to go somewhere for late late night dinner/early breakfast and failed miserably. After driving from one end of the town to the other trying to find a 24 hour restaurant and finding NOTHING we ended up at a truck stop on the west side of town. Hot chocolate and stale donuts would have to do. As an added bonus we could have even had a free shower!
We laughed until our guts hurt as we desperately tried to keep our eyes open. Finally, it was time. Time to put on the game face!
We would describe this year as the luck of all lucks! The shopping fairies were with us! Too much to get into all the details but a small recap {the lady at Walmart price matching all of our stuff to Target while the group right next to us was out right DENIED a Target price match! Deciding not to wait in 12 degree weather in the Kohls line and just see what was left once people get in the doors ONLY to discover the Bed Bath and Beyond (right next door) offered EVERYTHING we needed and would price match the item AND give us an additional 30% off!! Holy SCORE OF ALL SCORES!! No lines. No wait. And screaming deals!
We also hit a few more stops before heading home. About a block away from my parents house our car ended up acting funny and we literally had to coast home. Next morning the car had to be towed and we received a nice little bill. Happy Thanksgiving to us! However, we still feel pretty lucky that it happened when it did. I would have hated to be stranded in town at 2am with 11 degree temperatures. I even documented it for proof.

I'm telling you, you haven't experience Black Friday until you have shopped with us! Open invitation to all.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I haven't learned yet!! I go to bed about midnight and get up at 3 or 4, I might as well just stay up all night!! I think I feel worse trying to get a couple hours of sleep!