Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sneak Peak

So it's that time again. Time to say CHEESE, ICE-CREAM, YEE-HA or anything else to get a smile. For your viewing pleasure I'm giving you a sneak peak into a Hodges Family photo shoot. You can see the rest after a little photo shop liposuction-head switching-color enhancing modifications.

I thought things would go fairly smoothly this year. I guess I forgot about Caymbree's if-you-say-up-I-say-down mentality. I'll have to give it to her though. It gave us some good laughs while sorting through 800 some odd photos. Hope and Hallee were troopers and for the most part did great. However, they had their moments. And we captured them on film. So sit back and enjoy. And just be glad it was us and not you....

Really Hope? Ok it was two hours into the photo shoot but seriously. And Caymbree just desperately wanted to hold Hallee's hand. Hallee's not giving in. She has been told to freeze and smile. SO that is exactly what she does.

Grandpa said to count to three. So Caymbree does. She lifts up her fingers and counts!

We get it all in this one. Caymbree giving herself plenty of room, Hallee stiff as a board and Hope well just being Hope.

Can you say MELTDOWN????

No clue what Caymbree is doing here. I think she was just sick of people telling her to smile!


Hal's - I'm not sure the finger up the nose is the best look for you. Hope - work that camera girlfriend! Ah look. Caymbree is actually attempting a smile!

Think they are getting a little annoyed with us yet??

Tell us how you really feel Caymbree....
But just look. It's the end of the day, the sun's going down and we are all still alive and well. A few smiles left too. I'd say it was a success!

It's Official!

Yep. They did it. My parents are officially true blue -boot wearing -horse riding-country folk now. This means big changes for all of us. Their house has become somewhat of a destination resort with all sorts of new wonders for my children to experience and explore. It's taken me a few trips to realize that frilly skirts and sandals don't cut it in the country. Nope. You gotta get down and dirty and my kiddos love every stinking second of it!

So our "agenda" while in Logan has taken a slight turn. Now on the list...



And spend COUNTLESS hours exploring the great outdoors. Still can't believe they made the move? Well, maybe the next picture will help...

With a view like that who wouldn't move??? With a river to fish or float down, a pond to kayak in, the trees to build forts in, an abundance of wildlife, and a beautiful house to rest our heads in we are pretty much set. No need for Disneyland. We'll just head to grandma and grandpa's house!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Big Day

Today was a BIG DAY.

This morning I felt hammered. Not at all recovered from my BIG weekend that included a girls overnighter Swiss Days shopping extravaganza, Troy's birthday, teaching a RS lesson in church, and hosting a bbq for 50+ people as a "Happy Birthday/Labor Day/end of summer celebration!

It was a BIG day for me to send not one, not two but ALL three of my girls to school for the very first time. { Don't mind Hope's shirt. She spilled half her breakfast on it and we had to do a little scrub down at the last second}.

Caymbree and I had a BIG day as she anxiously anticipated 1:00 to come around so she could finally go to preschool. I smiled all day long watching her. I came down to breakfast this morning to find her packing her backback with a treat and a water bottle just like her older sisters. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her preschool teacher may not be on board with that idea.

Then we headed to the gym. Caymbree loves the gym when her sisters are there but without them she throws a serious fit! The entire way there she kept saying "I's NOT going to the gym mom!" When we finally pulled into the parking lot and I got out she quickly locked the doors and yelled through the glass, "I's not going Mom!" So funny. I finally got her out only for her to work her magic. As we walked past the cafe she declared, "Kay, Mom. I won't kie (cry) if use buy me a moothie (smoothie) when we all done kay?" What the what??!?! Did my three year old seriously just bargain with me?? {Um, yes she did get the smoothie}.

Her little back-to-school outfit has to be my favorite!! After weeks of watching her sisters get new clothes I finally took her to pick out an outfit. Of course the first thing she picks out is an Angelica the mouse ballerina t-shirt. So not me. So her. As I tried to talk her out of it she found the fluffy pink skirt. Just about the time I was ready to put my foot down we spotted the boots. Now we're talking. When we finally put it all together I couldn't say no. She was SOOOO excited! In fact, I'm not sure Troy and I have ever seen her so excited about something. I think she showed and tried on the outfit for half the neighborhood. Anytime someone would stop by she would ask them if they wanted to see her "pee-skol" outfit.

Finally the clocked ticked down and it was time to go. As excited as she was I couldn't help but wonder if she would have a melt down once we got there. When we pulled up there were a few cars ahead of us and she realized that moms were not getting out of their cars. The teacher just comes out to the car and gets them. Soon I heard from the backseat, "You don't stay wis me Mom?" Me: "Nope. You are so lucky you get to go all by yourself just like a big girl." (Oh crud is what I was really thinking.) Caymbree: "So use just leave me here?" Me: "Yep but I'll be back to get you really soon. (Bracing myself for the melt down). And then the door opened. And there stood her teacher. And....she was off. Didn't even look back until I yelled and said, Bye Caymbree!!!"
To which she turned around and waved enthusiastically. What's that I feel? No. not a tear. Never. We have both been SOOOO looking forward to this day. But that's my BABY!!

Yep. It was a BIG day.

Shopping...A serious business

Most of you know of my love for shopping but you may not know where I acquired that love from. Let's just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. When it comes to my mother and shopping you DON'T mess around. So if you thought Swiss Days was about a relaxing girls weekend you would be sorely mistaken!! My mom had us up at 6:00am in order to have breakfast and be at Swiss Days before the booths opened. She was in a sheer panic when we didn't pull into the parking lot until 8:05 (five minutes after booths opened). The rest of us got a good chuckle out of it.
For years my cousins/aunts/sisters have talked about a girls weekend over Swiss Days. This year we actually did it! Unfortunately, work got in the way for a lot of them and we ended up with a party of six. We had a blast and did our part in supporting Swiss Days...

We started off the day FREEZING followed by some intense HEAT and ended with some serious EXHAUSTION! We ate super yummy food all weekend, stayed up late, laughed continuously spent lots of money, but most of all we just had a blast. And just so you know you don't even have to be family to join our little weekend. Any takers for next year????