Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Minute to Win It!

My sister did all the prep work for our family to play "A Minute to Win it." It was the highlight of the vacation!

CHALLENGE: Start with an Oreo on your forehead. Using ONLY your face muscles move the oreo down your face and into your mouth in 60 seconds. {HI-LAR-I-OUS}

CHALLENGE: Suck an M&M up with a straw, run across the path and blow it into a bowl. {EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! This was actually the winning game because only ONE person pulled it off. }
CHALLENGE: Dip your nose into a place of vaseline and then a plate of cotton balls. Run across the path and then shake cotton ball off onto plate. NO HANDS CAN BE USED. {I think this was the one of the challenges I actually passed. Pathetic I know.}

CHALLENGE: Put a stocking over your head with a baseball in the foot. Using only your body sway the balls side to side and knock over all water bottles lined up on sides. {Looks easy doesn't it. Ya it was for must. Not sure what my problem was. Although getting my hosiery twisted up with my cousins did NOT help the matter and lost me valuable time!}

CHALLENGE: Using ONLY your mouth pick up various cut sizes of paper bags off the ground and put them up on a table. {Had a few pulled muscles on this one}
Troy did pretty darn good till he got to the tiny bag on the end. The result...

All I'm gonna say is that I gotta start stretching more. Yoga anyone?

It was so much fun and I have a entire file full of pictures of my cousins to use as blackmail someday. Let's just say the oreo challenge created some pretty great pictures.

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