Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Out of the mouth of babes...

Caymbree is a little stinker when it comes to eating dinner. It seems like it is a battle every single night. I have finally gotten to the point where when she refuses to touch anything on her plate I put her in time-out until she is ready to come out and have at least have ONE bite. And so the story goes...

We sit down to the table to eat. Caymbree takes one look at her plate. Lays her head down on the table and says, "I just go to time-out." And the Oscar goes to...

Hope knocked me out of my socks with her latest comeback yesterday. My ego is still recovering.

I notice the red greasy smudges on the sleeves of Hope's white shirt ONCE again. It's the same old story. Hope wears lipgloss. Somehow that lipgloss always ends up on the sleeves of her white shirts. Mom lectures. Mom threatens. And so the story goes...

(After noticing me looking at the red smudges) Hope says, "Wow. How did that get there? Mom, I really don't know how that happened.

Me: (Very irritated and apparently a little harsh) "Hope, you are ruining your shirts! That looks SO ugly. Do you like to wear ugly things?"

Hope: (Feelings hurt and looking for revenge) "Well, all those red spots on your face (yes, those would be zits), are just as ugly!"

Touche Hope, touche. Now I think I might just cry.


Adree said...

that's awesome :) lol

smithfamilymoments said...

Oh Jamie, that is pretty dang funny.

JLJ said...

Don't feel too bad about Caymbree not eating. My #3 does the same thing. Except she has to go to bed if she doesn't eat. She takes one look at the food and says "get my jammies on?"

Kelli said...

Sorry about the not eating. That's tough. I've never had one of those. I'm sure its hard. She's so cute. Love your girl stories.

And yep, we were at the same Jazz game. At least by the looks of your picture I think we were. Wish I would've known!

Tara Williams said...!! She absolutely cracks me up!!! Of course its not nearly as funny when it's YOUR kid, right? I hate those little zingers they whip out on ya sometimes. Ouch!! As for the eating thing, what I have to do with Brooklynn is she has to have ONE bite of everything, every time...that way she can actually TASTE things and decide if she really doesnt like it. If it's something I know she doesnt mind but it's just not her favorite, I give her a little bigger helping and then make a "deal" that she only has to eat half of it. Usually works, but we still have major moments...especially with meat!! Good luck!

Heather said...

I haven't figured out the eating thing either and it doesn't seem to matter what you threaten them with when they are that stubborn! We even tried putting the food in Cayden's mouth for him so he could taste it, (thinking if he would just try it he would find out he really liked it) he would immediately gag and throw up the second we put it on his tongue!! After the third time of that happening I said he can just starve!!!:)

Lindsay said...

Oh My! Sounds like you have some sassy little girls, Avah would fit right in... RIGHT IN!

The Lively's said...

Ouch! She is for sure a girl!

Tristen said...

Hilarious. I'm sure I will get those comments soon with Pyper. Girls are hilarious.

BigEd said...

I'm just waiting for those comments to start. We're on the brink, so I am just enjoying the stinker behavior without the jabs.