Saturday, April 10, 2010

Here comes the sun...

When we left it looked like this - a day after we got home it looked like this... But for a few short days we got a glimpse of this...

I wish I could say it was the kind of sun that warms you to the core and provides the picture perfect moment for a sun kissed tan but it wasn't. It was cool. But it was sun. And I wasn't complaining.

My friend Tara and I packed up all six of our girls and began the four and half hour journey to sunny St. George. Our hubbies joined us the next night. They got four and half hours of peaceful, quiet chit chat. We got four 1/2 hours of hmmmm......what exactly shall we call it? Not sure I can find the right word to do it justice. :)
We did a little shopping, a lot of swimming, a few Easter activities, and plenty of hiking. Snow Canyon turned out to be the highlight of the trip and we went two days in a row. Caymbree was so funny to watch and declared her independence by rarely allowing us to carry or help her during our hiking trips. It was amazing and humorous at the same time.


smithfamilymoments said...

It looks like you guys had such a fun time! Snow canyon is always one of the highlights of our St. George trips as well. We wish we could have met up while we were all there, but I'm glad you had a good time!

Tara said...

That was such a fun trip lets go back!!!! Love all the pictures you got some great ones!!

Unknown said...

Wow, great pictures! Looks like you had fun. Thank goodness for friends and families. I look the last picture of little Caymbree looking through the hole in the rock! The Hope and Caymbree moments cracked me up. Love the timeout story!