Sunday, July 31, 2011

Anne Frank and wax museum

For Hallee's last 3rd grade project they did a "wax museum" exhibition where they had to become someone they admired. Hallee came home and was SO excited to do it. Together we sat down and made a list of potential people and finally narrowed it down to Anne Frank, Mother Teresa and Ruby Bridges. We went to the library, found a number of books on each one and then Hallee began to study them. It was so fun to watch her be so excited and intrigued by what she was learning. After a lot of thought she finally chose Anne Frank.

After coming up with a costume, writing a report and memorizing a short introduction of their character they put all their work into action at the "wax museum". Students from other classes would come push a pretend button on their wrist and then the students would come to life and tell about their character.

Mrs. Child (teacher) said that Hallee's excitement really set the tone for the rest of the class to get excited about it as well. I think it was fun for both of us (her teacher and I) to see Hallee really come alive on this project.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Good JOB Hallee you are one amazing girl!!