Last week my sister fell down her stairs holding her baby and ended up breaking the bone in her back right above the tailbone. (And they say I am the weakling in the family! :)) Pretty hard to take care of your kids when you can't even stand up let alone roll over.
So she got to have a few days of R&R, my kids got to hang out with their cousins for a few days, and I got to experience life with twins plus four more. Yep, that's six kids all under the age of 7.
I had a LOT of help. Hallee was a life saver and earned five bucks for all her help. Unfortunately, she got a taste of what life is like for a mom and I am not sure she was too impressed. When we first picked up my sisters kids we had an hour and half car ride back to our house. I put Hallee right in the middle so she could give the baby the binkie when needed, entertain Caymbree, and pass treats to all the kids. About 1/2 hour into the car ride we had the following conversation....
Hallee: "Wow. I think I now know why you are always in a hurry to put us to bed."
Me: "Oh ya? Why's that."
Hallee: "Cause this is crazy! All I can think is how I can't wait until everybody is in bed."
Me: "Yep. Taking care of kids is really hard work sometimes. That's why mom gets kind of ornery some nights."
Hallee: "Ya. Now I know."
This picture still cracks me up. When I went in to check on the girls one night this is how I found Adi and Hallee. Too funny. If it would have been Hope laying on Hallee she probably would've ended up with a broken nose.