Ah Kids. Seriously, mine are cracking me up lately. Had to hurry and document a few of my favorite funny moments from today before I forget.
1) Took the girls to the mall with me today. Bought them some pretzel bites and set them up on the bench right outside the store I was headed into. While sitting on the bench the Mall Cop walked by. Hope started to panic. She said, "Ok girls. Everyone act natural. If he asks us where our mom is we are going to say that Hallee is our mom and she just has a disease that makes it so she doesn't grow. Got it?" I haven't stopped laughing about it ALL day. So funny!!!
2) Last night in attempt to get a little more comfortable I took off the old brazier and put my t-shirt back on. Caymbree looked up at me and said, "Whoa Mom. Your boobs just got a LOT smaller!" Ha Ha. What can I say. Love my padded brazier!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Yellowstone 2012
Last month Troy won an all expense paid Snowmobiling (couples) trip to Yellowstone through his work. And while it was a little crazy trying to pull it off it was oh so worth it! 

I must say that Yellowstone in the winter is absolutely breathtaking! I think I enjoyed it more this trip than I have any other time.
The forecast predicted a major storm for our travels as well as our time there. Every episode of "I Shouldn't be Alive" started to haunt my thoughts as we prepared for the trip. However we couldn't have asked for more perfect conditions. Up until this point Yellowstone Park had considered shutting down due to lack of snow for snowmobiles. They got slammed the two days prior to us getting there and it the storm slowed down just as we pulled in. On our first day it was absolutely beautiful with freshly fallen slow all around. The second day it snowed on us off and on but it pretty much all but stopped for our drive home.

I know, I'm rocking that snowsuit hey?
I've never really gotten into the whole wildlife thing as far as getting giddy when I see something as we drive down the road. But for some reason on this trip it was just a little bit magical. Seeing the animals up close and personal in their own habitats was actually a little thrilling.
In the little spill they give you before you start the tour they tell you that in rare instances you may come face to face with wildlife. We were instructed to pull over, stop our machines and not challenge the animal in any way. In other words, "DON'T LOOK IT IN THE EYE!". At least that's what I heard anyway. Imagine our shock when we were instructed to pull over and stop our machines because something was headed our way. A coyote was hot on the trail of a dead elk that we had just passed up the road. He walked right past us. I'm talking less than FIVE feet away! It was crazy. And all I could think was "don't look it in the eye, don't look it in the eye....."

Our tour guide told us we were about to see something spectacular so we jumped off our machines and followed the coyote. There was just one major hurdle. A freezing cold river separated the coyote from the dead carcass. We sat and watched the coyote pace up and down the riverbed trying to decide if it would be worth the freezing swim. After about a half hour he took the plunge and swam across.

I must say that Yellowstone in the winter is absolutely breathtaking! I think I enjoyed it more this trip than I have any other time.

{The SYSCO gang}

I know, I'm rocking that snowsuit hey?

Our tour guide told us we were about to see something spectacular so we jumped off our machines and followed the coyote. There was just one major hurdle. A freezing cold river separated the coyote from the dead carcass. We sat and watched the coyote pace up and down the riverbed trying to decide if it would be worth the freezing swim. After about a half hour he took the plunge and swam across.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The big 10!!!
Hallee entered the world of double digits and is enjoying every second of it. We celebrated by going to Extreme Air Sports in Provo.
Caymbree thought it was awesome and was not the least bit intimidated by the big kids jumping over and around her. It was pretty cute. 

Happy Birthday Miss Hallee. We love you!
A few things about Hallee...
Hallee seems to be marching full force into pre-teenhood. It has been fun to watch her take on more responsibility and rise to the challenge. We have spent the last year doing mini-babysitting courses and she has become quite the little babysitter. In fact, one day I came home to a empty basket of laundry that she had the girls fold and put away without even being asked. It was awesome. I have loved watching her grow as a leader and example to her sisters.
She is still dancing with Synergy and is on team Cobalt. She dances five hours a week and LOVES it. She has amazing teachers and coaches and can't wait for competition season to start.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas 2011
Ever since we have moved to Riverton we have had the same Christmas routine. We head to Logan the day a few days before so that we can enjoy the Smith family Christmas Eve party but then we make the 1 1/2 hour trek home late that night so that we can have Christmas morning at our own house. This year however, the Christmas eve party was going to be about an hour drive up Logan Canyon which would make our drive home in the middle of the night even longer. My my mom suggested the idea of having both my sister and I with our families do Christmas at her house this year. At first all I could think of is the amount of work it would take to pull that off but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. Adree has not done Christmas in Logan for the past six or seven years so it sounded kind of fun to be all together for once. Troy was a bit reluctant (as was I) simply because we have come to cherish our quiet Christmas mornings with our kids and the thought of all the chaos and hauling everything to Logan was less than appealing. But, it didn't take long for us to climb on board with the plan and began loading our car floor to ceiling with our Christmas paraphernalia.
It turned out to be a wonderful Christmas and all of our fears or apprehensions were for nothing. It couldn't have gone smoother. In fact when I asked Hope what her favorite gift was for Christmas she said, "My I-touch! No, wait. My favorite gift was getting to spend Christmas with all my cousins and family." How cute is that!

Since Christmas was on a Sunday we started our morning by attending a wonderful Sacrament meeting at my parents ward. We thought the kids would be going crazy about having to wait to open their presents but they didn't even make a peep about it.
Grandpa Tom and Grandma Diane joined us after church for the unveiling of the presents. I had to take this picture because I ended up having to wrap all our presents once we got there so I recruited my sister and dad's help. I had three coordinating papers and tried to give each girl a few of each pattern. You can imagine their reactions. My dad could not understand why he couldn't add whatever paper he wanted and kept trying to be "helpful" by adding new patterns to the mix. I know it's crazy but back me up here - look how fun and festive it looks!

A few of Hope's favorite gifts this year: Pogo-Stick, I-touch 4th gen, Orbeez

Caymbree's favorites: This "American Girl Doll" (which it is so NOT but no matter how many times I tell her that she still insists that it is.), an I-touch, and an chalk/white board easel.

Hallee's favorites: A ripstick, I-touch 4th gen, and donut maker

After opening our gifts the rest of the clan came over for our traditional Christmas breakfast of egg casserole, breakfast cake and crepes. So so yummy!
We then spent the rest of the day hanging out, playing on my dad's new ping pong table (our gift to him), watching movies, dancing with the Just Dance Wii game, and eating ourselves sick.
The kids were in heaven getting to hang out with their cousins all day.
It turned out to be a wonderful Christmas and all of our fears or apprehensions were for nothing. It couldn't have gone smoother. In fact when I asked Hope what her favorite gift was for Christmas she said, "My I-touch! No, wait. My favorite gift was getting to spend Christmas with all my cousins and family." How cute is that!

Since Christmas was on a Sunday we started our morning by attending a wonderful Sacrament meeting at my parents ward. We thought the kids would be going crazy about having to wait to open their presents but they didn't even make a peep about it.

A few of Hope's favorite gifts this year: Pogo-Stick, I-touch 4th gen, Orbeez

Caymbree's favorites: This "American Girl Doll" (which it is so NOT but no matter how many times I tell her that she still insists that it is.), an I-touch, and an chalk/white board easel.

Hallee's favorites: A ripstick, I-touch 4th gen, and donut maker

After opening our gifts the rest of the clan came over for our traditional Christmas breakfast of egg casserole, breakfast cake and crepes. So so yummy!
We then spent the rest of the day hanging out, playing on my dad's new ping pong table (our gift to him), watching movies, dancing with the Just Dance Wii game, and eating ourselves sick.
The kids were in heaven getting to hang out with their cousins all day.
Twas the night before Christmas 2011
Twas the night before Christmas when all through the lodge crazy things started happening it was quite a hodge podge...
The girls in their jammies became such a sight, with noses like piggies it gave all a good fright.
When the boys started dancing all started to gleam but by the end of the dance the poor boys wanted to scream.
But the best part of all was having Grandpa Smith with us there, for this week in the hospital he gave us all quite the scare!
And that my friends in the end of my rhyming attempt. I am sure you are grateful! Christmas Eve was spent up Logan Canyon at the Beaver Creek Lodge. It was so much fun and the Crosbie Clan did such a great job with the festivities. However, plans almost took a drastic turn when about a week prior my Grandpa ended up in the Intensive Care unit at the hospital. It got scary enough that at one point they were not sure he would make it through it. Thankfully he made a miraculous recovery and exceeded even the doctors expectations and by Christmas was well enough to spend the day with us.

The daytime was spent playing in the snow. (What little there was of it anyway). It was an absolutely gorgeous day and was actually quite warm. We all had to start shedding our layers!

For one of the evenings activities each family was given a bag full of candy. You were to build Santa's sleigh using only the things found in the bag. Then each family came up to race their sleigh. So creative!

TIs the season
Tis the season... for drill competitions, classroom parties, holiday festivities, buying presents, wrapping presents, making food, eating food, family time, friends, holiday cards, candy canes and oh so much more. In the middle of it all we managed to add in a few more holiday activities.
When we lived in Logan it seemed like we made it down to see the lights at temple square pretty often. In the five years we have lived in Riverton we have yet to do it. How is that possible? I was determined that we would do it this year!
Of course the camera battery lasted for a whole TWO pictures! Go figure. After visiting the lights we jumped on Trax and headed to the Grand America Hotel. They have a fun little picture scavenger hunt through the main floor where once you complete it you can redeem your card for a cookie at the cookie shop. It was warm, beautiful, and best of all NO CROWDS! I think my kids enjoyed it even more than seeing the lights.
When we lived in Logan it seemed like we made it down to see the lights at temple square pretty often. In the five years we have lived in Riverton we have yet to do it. How is that possible? I was determined that we would do it this year!

Also on the December calendar was Hope and Hallee's school choir Christmas concert. They have been waking up early once a week since September for the practices. I was so proud of their determination and desire to do it and so grateful for the teachers who made it all possible by volunteering their services.
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