I thought it would be fun to do a little photo shoot with Caymbree to document her 3rd birthday. Quickly ran into a little problem. THIS is what you get when you ask Caymbree to smile...

Hilarious right? So after about 15 of these kind of pictures I started asking her to smile "softer". So I got this...

And this...

I couldn't help but bust a gut. She was trying SOOOO hard but could just not seem to get that smile to cooperate. I actually love it. It's SO Caymbee!
Just a few things about our little miss Caymbree...
1) Currently OBSESSED with sticking out her tongue. Does not seem to be hindered by my continual threats. She is mastering the manipulation. Doesn't stick it out all the way just a little and then says "but mom! I's just tending! (Pretending).
2) Loves to mimic her sisters. Results in her using phrases like "boo-ya!" and "Use not the boss of me!" and "dat's annoying!".
3) Can play the DSi like it's nobody's business. NOT joking. It's a little scary actually.
4) My best helper yet. If there is a job to be done she is the FIRST one to volunteer and the last one to call it quits.
5) She has taken over the prayers around here. No one else is allowed to say it before meals unless SHE decides so.
6) Still knows just how to melt my heart with her frequent requests to "cuddle me" and "weed me a tory" and our bedtime routine of blowing kisses towards each other and her reaching out and yelling "caught it!"
7) Mastered tattle telling. Often times reports on insignificant events just to keep her skills in check such as "MOM, Hallee's walking around da house!". Good to know Caymbree. Good to know.
8) Still a sucker for her blanket and her fingers. Can't live without them.

9) Slowly easing up on her fear of swings and dogs/animals. Things getting better every day.
10) And last but not least, still has the ENTIRE family wrapped around her little finger!!!
We love you Caymbree Rose!