Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hope Moments

Hope and I had our date night the other night and as always she didn't disappoint in the entertainment area.

As we were driving to the movie I started talking to her about being a good friend and qualities that make a good friend. As the conversation went on I started telling her how her dad and I were really proud of some recent situations we had observed. For a minute she was quiet. And when I asked her what she was thinking about the conversation went like this...

H: "I sure am gonna get a lot of presents this year."
M: "What?"
H: "Santa. I was just thinking about all the good decisions I've been making. He will probably bring me a LOT of presents this year."
M: Laughing.

Another moment of silence.

H: "You know what I was just thinking?"
M: "No what?"
H: "I'm kinda surprised I got presents this year. I wasn't very good last year? Remember when I ....(as she proceeded to make her list of last year's transgressions)."
M: Chuckle. Hmm....What should I say? But that's the funny part. Before I even have a chance to respond she is off on an ENTIRELY new subject with not intention of going back. Seriously cracks me up.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I {HEART} Walmart

There I said it. I do. I know. You just might not be able to look at me the same after this but that's okay. Seriously. Where else can you find church dresses for $7.00 that are cute enough that people ask where you bought them from. And Easter dresses for $12.00. Second year in a row in fact! (You'll have to wait for the grand unveiling later). Now you're thinking I'm a little neurotic that I have already bought Easter dresses and it's only February. But that's the trick. At Wallies you MUST purchase the first time you see them. Otherwise...


And you're out of luck.

And cursing when you have to pay $28.00 somewhere else for a dress.

At Wallies you can buy plain tee shirts (to go under things) for $3.00. $3.00!!! And if your kids go through them like mine those $3.oo tee's are a must! Or how about work out shorts for $2.00? Yep. Got those too.

QUALITY, you ask? Haven't had much of a problem yet. And have I mentioned I have THREE girls. Can't say I am too heartbroken if it doesn't make through all three. That's about 5 years of seeing the same thing repeated over and over.

And then there is that sweet little "price match" deal. Hate it when I end up stuck in line behind someone doing it but LOVE it when it is me! No ad's. No nothing. Just tell them the price and they match it. (Good thing I am an honest sole!) Saves me a TON of time and a TON of money.

And let's talk RETURNS. Have I told you I am the queen of returns? Love the no hassle policy. I return it. They take it. Receipt or no receipt. Comes in handy for a gal like me!

Now I know Walmart has it's downside. I realize they are taking over the world. I have THREE of them within 6 miles of my house in three directions. And I realize the "little guys" can't compete and they run them right out of town. I feel bad. I really do. And if I had all the money in the world I would support the small guy and pay three times more. But for now, that's not an option. So Wallies it is.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Miss Caymbree Rose - addendum

So my last post about Miss Caymbree was just a tad bit on the negative side.
Just a tad.
But I have to redeem myself. Because she really is a cute little thing and makes us smile daily. Like whenever we give her something whether it's a sippy cup or a blankie she always says, "tank you so much." Seriously melts my heart.
Or whenever I go to the restroom I have my own personal cheering squad when she asks, "Mommy go potty? Whooo hoooo!!! Good girl mommy!" I could go potty all day just to hear that.

And I get to hear myself a little when she mimics my response. (I didn't realize this until recently) but I never get a simple "yes" from her. Instead "yes" is always "ya maybe." (Apparently I say this a lot). Anyway, so funny when I ask her "Caymbree, do you want a treat?" "Ya maybe." Love it!
And then she throws out a few things every once in a while that keeps us in stitches for quite a while. Like when I was helping her with her prayers the other night (with the whole family gathered around) and she surprised us all.
Mom: "Thank you for my mom and dad"... Caymbree: "tank you for my mom and dad"
Mom: "Please bless my sisters" Caymbree: "Pease bess my sissers" - "HEY, I DON'T WANNA PAY FOR MY SISSERS!" That was pretty much the end of that prayer. None of us could compose ourselves enough to go on.
And then there is still the issue of POTTY TRAINING. If you recall, the first round did not go so well. For the past few months every time I bought diapers I bought the smallest pack possible and would tell myself it was the last pack I was going to buy. But each and every week I would talk to Caymbree about potty training I would get the same response. PURE TERROR. She would instantly start crying and say "hold me mommy, hold me." YOWZER.
Finally, I was down to my last four diapers. I just couldn't bring myself to buy more. My suggestion was to send her to a shrink. Troy's suggestion was a blessing. His idea worked.
Within a day her terror was gone, and two accidents later she was trained. Seriously hasn't had a wet accident since (and that was two weeks ago). Unfortunately, things haven't been going quite so smoothly on the other end. No accidents. No anything. That's the problem. But we're working on it.

Oh how I love her! Could someone just remind me this the next time we are in the middle of her next "terrible two" tantrum?