Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quality Time

Been spending a LOT of time on this lately...
And this one....

AND this one...

And the one at Walmart, the mall, Hobby Lobby, and just about everywhere else...

(Got ya, didn't I? You so thought I was preggo.) Thanks to a "Get Fit" challenge I joined four weeks ago I am now drinking 2 liters of water a day. 2 LITERS PEOPLE!!!! Before this I was lucky if I got 8 oz. in a 24 hour period. It was quite a shock to the system to say the least. I keep thinking my body will adjust to all the water but judging by the amount of trips to the potty I am gonna say not so much.
So, keep your toilets clean. Good chance if I come to visit I'm going to be spending some quality time in there.

Hodges Got Talent

When Hallee gets an idea...there is no stopping her. About a week ago she decided that we needed to have a FAMILY TALENT SHOW. She asked me and I gave my typical "ya, sure. Sometime." (Which usually means never.) But I should have know she wasn't going to let me get away with that.

So after seven days of persistent asking and begging we finally got around to doing it. I proudly present the Hodges Family talent show...

Miss Hope performed a song and dance routine complete with a toe touch and all.

Miss Caymbree performed twice during the evening. A guitar and song solo as well as a performance to "Battlefield."

Miss Hallee Lynn wrote and performed her own song. She is quite the
little song writer this one.

I "WOW"ed them all with my guitar and song performance to the "Oh, boy, we're singing the alphabet" song. Got the crowd involved and all.

Mr. T. impressed them all with his juggling skills.

Hallee made signs for each one of us and we were "assigned" a buddy to hold up the sign and cheer when it was our turn.

Ok. It was a tie. Dad and Hopers took home the title.

And just in case you want a little more, here is a little video footage of Caymbree's
"Battlefield". Enjoy. Dirty face and all.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A day in the life...

WOW. That's all I can say. Those of you currently living with two year olds know what I mean. Having once had a two year old doesn't count. It's called selective memories. I think it's the big guy upstairs way of ensuring a continuation of reproducing.

Caymbree is as cute as they come and but is as stubborn as a mule. We thought Hope was stubborn. Ha. If we only knew.

She's also a mastermind at manipulation tactics. Like the other day when she wanted me to get her blankie upstairs and I said, "Caymbree, I'm busy. Can you run upstairs and get it?" To which she ran over to the couch, hopped up on it, gave me the most sad and pathetic look and said, " I can't. I sick." WHAT THE HUD!!

She even used it again the next day when I found her rummaging through my purse. She had the deer in the headlights look when I walked down. I gave her the stern look, and asked "Caymbree, why are you in my purse?" Again, her response was to run to the couch, hop up and say, "Mom. I sick." Oh we are SOOOOOO in trouble.

And to top it off check out the day we had this week. First, she snuck into Hopes room, helped herself to Hope's make-up and created quite the artwork on her face.

Notice her "hiding"in between my bed and nightstand. She pulled the If-I-don't-look-at-her-she-won't-see-me thing.

When I confronted her about her make-up she said, "Hope said I could pay wis her make-up". Uh-hu. Ya. Right. Hope's make-up is off limits to just about any and everyone but I'm sure she told you you could have free reign with it.
Fast forward a whole hour....and you'll find this....She decided to do her hair by going into Hallee's closet, helping herself to an entire bottle of lotion and applying it to her entire head. Breathe, count to ten, breathe.....

I know this phase will pass and I'm trying to remind myself to just roll with the punches. Somedays are easier than others. And I'm so grateful for the Relief Society lesson we had on Sunday that reminded me that Heavenly Father has blessed each one of his children with certain personality traits that can be great assets in building up the kingdom of God. And with Caymbree's will and determination there must be great things in store.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who does this????

Okay. I will admit it. It was getting to be a problem. Hallee had been walking around the house for a couple of days looking a lot like Nanny McPhee.
Each day we would wiggle the tooth a little more but the dang thing wouldn't budge. Finally, Troy had a plan. I WAS NOT PART OF THIS PLAN. I walked into the room to find him convincing her to let him tie a string to the tooth. This way she could just "pull on it a little." Ok. I can handle that.

Next thing I know he has convinced her to tie it to the door. He won't touch it. She can just do it on her own. Hmmmm....I'm starting to get a little skeptical. So is Hallee....

Practice round. She lightly opens and closes the door. Nope. It's not gonna work. I'm thinking "well, it was a good try."
And the next thing you know. WHAM!!! The door just somehow accidently gets slammed shut and the tooth went a flying.

I think my face probably looked exactly like Hallee's!!
The Nanny McPhee tooth was gone, Hallee was in shock, I was thinking "Who in the world does this to their poor child," and Hope and Caymbree sat stunned (then they laughed hysterically). I told Hallee to forget the tooth fairy on this one. I'd go straight to her dad and demand BIG BUCKS.
So Hallee got her $10 dollars for a tooth after all.

Better late than never

I've been meaning to post some of the pictures from our last family photo shoot for quite some time but I am just now getting around to it. My mom took over 1,000 pictures so narrowing them down proved to be a difficult task. But here are a few of my favorites. Love the candid moments...

I thought about showing some of the bloopers but than I realized it would require a post of 935 pictures. I'll spare you the pain.

If a pictures is worth a thousand words.....

....than I'll just let these do the talking.....

thanks to my talented mother and her handy-dandy camera

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hallee and the big 8


All words that describe Hallee's baptism last week. How is it possible that my baby is EIGHT YEARS OLD??? Does that mean I am getting old? Have we taught her what she needs to know in order for her to be prepared for such a big decision? Does she understand the covenants she is about to make? It's a whirlwind of emotions.
It was such a wonderful day and we were surrounded by lots of our family and friends. The night before I was all excited and gitty and was singing "Hallee's getting baptized in the morning..." Hallee's response; "Mom, please don't make a production out of this." So me. So Hallee.
After the baptism we came back to the house for lunch. Troy and I also gave her this book that I have been working on for a few months. About six months ago I started asking family and friends to write Hallee a letter based on the concept "Our hopes and dreams for Hallee." I compiled their pictures and letters and made it into a Shutterfly book.
We had a crazy few days after the baptism so Monday night was the first quiet moment she had to really start to read it. I tucked her in bed and then went into do the same with the other two girls. When I walked back into her room I found her with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "nothing. Just a lot of people really love me and think I am pretty special." It was one of those moments as a mother that I wish I could freeze and preserve forever. I laid on her bed with her as she continued to read and the tears flowed freely. Thank you to all of you who said such kind words! I know she will always treasure this book!
Following the baptism we headed up to Classic Skating to celebrate her birthday with all the cousins. They had SOOOOO much fun and I think my kids think it is every bit as cool as Disneyland (at a tenth of the cost :)).
On the actual day of her birthday Troy and I took her out on a date night. We went to Red Robin to eat, then to a movie and a little shopping at Walmart afterwards.
We had so much fun with her and it was just one more confirmation that she is growing up.

Check out that chocolate ice cream cake! I think it was bigger than her!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

December run down

Let's see. Just trying to get caught up on all of our Christmas activities. Competition...check. Enrichment... Check. Oh ya. I guess I should cover the THREE trips to Logan in FIVE days. How could I forget that??
The first trip was the weekend of the 18th. I had a cousin getting married and my sister was not going to be around on Christmas so we decided to do the wedding and cousin exchange that weekend. It is always crazy but always super fun!! Sledding in grandpa's back yard never seems to get old.

The kids anxiously awaiting their gifts.Grandma did pajama's for all the grandkids. Aren't they cute?She also made aprons for all the girls. I know. She is a serious over achiever. The girls loved them and they come in handy when trying to protect the clothes during craft projects. We came back home late Sunday evening and I turned around and went back up on Wed. Troy joined us on Thursday for the Christmas Eve party.

We decided to get a little crazy this year and do fondue. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was. Oh my. I am salivating just thinking about it.

And as always Santa made a quick appearance to give the kiddos pj's. Caymbree has been absolutely TERRIFIED of Santa this season and usually starts to cry if we get within a few feet of him. The week before Christmas we kept talking about him and telling her how fun and loving he is and brainwashing her into the idea of sitting on his lap. Nonetheless, I was still SHOCKED when she actually did. She was a little nervous but when she saw him handing out presents I guess she figured it was worth giving him a shot.

A few years ago Troy and I decided that we wanted to start doing Christmas morning at our own home with our little family. This requires a late night drive home on Christmas Eve. So we left Logan about 9:45pm and made it home a little before midnight. Luckily Santa hadn't been by yet.

We then turned around a day later to go back to Logan for my Grandpa Smith's birthday party. I know. It's crazy. Believe me I know! But I am a sucker for family events and Christmas just wouldn't be the same without it.
Oh ya. And in the middle of it all Hallee's class did a cute little Christmas play. She played the part of Prancer and did a super job!